This website is about the books written by Lawrence Dworsky. Above are links to these books. These book links contain descriptions of the books themselves and additional links to tables of contents, short excerpts and errata.

About The Author

Lawrence Dworsky, Ph.D., is a retired electrical engineer with over 40 years of experience. He has taught (Columbia University – NY, my picture New York University – NY, Northern Illinois University – IL, Florida Atlantic University – FL) and has consulted for several companies and U.S. Government agencies. Most of his working career (28 years) was spent as a research and development engineer, a research and development manager and ultimately a technical staff vice president and corporate research lab manager at Motorola, Inc. He is a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and holds 39 U.S. Patents. While at Motorola he was a member of the Motorola Science Advisory Board and a Dan Noble Fellow.

He currently lives in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois, with his wife Suzanna.

He really dislikes writing about himself in the third person (sort of as if he wasn’t in the room at the time), but in this case couldn’t think of a way around it.

Questions, comments, suggestions, anything possibly of relevance to any of these books (or suggestions for a new book) are invited. Please email them to